Under the name of ASOCIACION MEZIERISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE FISIOTERAPIA and abbreviation AMIF, an entity established pursuant to the Organic Law 1/2002 of March 22, and Law 7/1997, of June 18, also of asociacionesy the complementary rules with legal capacity and full capacity to act, lacking profit. In January 2008 was officially established AMIF after approval by the Ministry of Interior. The purposes of the Association are:

  • Gathering in its midst all physiotherapists who practice the method taught by Françoise MEZIERES guidelines, entitled 'Mezieres Method ", and who hold the Certificate of completion of studies approved training in this method accredited by the Institute of Global Physiotherapy Mézières (IFGM) and / or the Association Internationale de Kinésithérapie Mézièriste (AMIK) in France.
  • Make the originality of this method recognize, promote it in society and defend against harmful adaptations to the reputation of those who practice it.
  • Serve as a link between members to promote coordination and exchange of knowledge and mantenerlazos friendship among its members.


convenio.jpgIn March 2008, he was signed in Paris an agreement between AMIF and AMIK (Association Internationale de Kinésithérapie Mezieriste). This agreement gives our partnership the role of spreading the Mézières method in Spain and Latin America. A new office is created in the French association under the name of "Spain" being the president of AMIF the person to sit on the Board of Directors, participating with voice and vote in all decisions affecting the international association. Both institutions will advance together in order to promote the Mézières Method to professionals and society.



Management Board​

medium_foto jose_0.jpg medium_juanra_0.jpg medium_angeles_0.jpg
José Ramírez
Juan Ramón Revilla
Angels Monedero



medium_Thais_0.jpg medium_irene_0.jpg medium_estela_0.jpg medium_cristinahume_0.jpg
Thais Deulofeu Irene Fraile Estela López Cristina Hume

 estatutoamif.jpgUnder the name of ASOCIACION MEZIERISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE FISIOTERAPIA and abbreviation AMIF, estatutoamif.jpgconstituye an entity under the Organic Law 1/2002 of March 22, and Law 7/1997, of June 18th, associations and also complementary standards, with legal capacity and full capacity to act, lacking profit.


Scientific association of physiotherapists involved in the field of global therapies based on the Mézières Method.

The Iberoamerican Mezierista Physiotherapy Association is a scientific association of physiotherapists involved in the field of global therapies based on the Mézières method, in order to recognize the originality of this method, promote and defend it against harmful adaptations made by persons not skilled. Also, links between partners in order to promote the professional interests of the group are established.

There are three types partners or members:

Active member, those members being in possession of official title awarded by IFGM and / or AMIK after conducting postgraduate training "The Mézières method" enroll individually in the Association.

Added member: those professionals whose certification, qualification or experience in the field of physiotherapy globalist approach, a scientific enrichment contribution to the Association and its aims, having applied for membership in writing to the Board and it has approved.

Member interns: students enrolled in accredited postgraduate training IFGM be considered partners in practice during their training.

Both rights and duties of each member are contained in the official statutes.


Active member: 65 €

Added member: 65 €

Member practices: free



To associate the following documentation is required:

1. Print and fill out the registration form

2. Sign it

3. Send it by mail to the address:

Asociación Mezierista Iberoamericana de Fisioterapia

C/ Guillem Tell, 40 Entlo. 2ª

08006 Barcelona



1) As an active member, to intervene in the General Assemblies and vote to decide on the future of AMIF.

2) To participate in all activities organized by the association.

3) Join the list of mezieristas. This is especially interesting because it is a reference for customers or companies interested in specialized professionals in the Mézières method.

4) Receive biannual newsletter "News Mezierista" to report all matters relating to community life.

5) the exchange of scientific knowledge through revistaFisioGlobal, web 2.0 through social networks and research projects.

6) Continuing education with significant discounts on all courses organized by IFGM and AMIK both post-formation courses as seminars and congresses.

7) Promotions and discounts on products or services under agreements with other entities.

8) Join a group with common interests is always a good opportunity to establish partnership strategies for mutual benefit

"Mezierista News" is a newsletter aimed at physiotherapists are associated with AMIF. This digital publication is published every six months and was founded with the purpose of reporting everything that happens within our association.

If you are a member and you have not received the newsletter, send us an email indicating your name and membership number.

The full version of news Mezierista is restricted to partner AMIF. The open-access journal that you can download is incomplete.

We remind you that there is a profile on FACEBOOK restricted entry for the partner. We recommend that you add you because it is the most dynamic medium we have. Daily news, scientific articles, videos, useful information for the partner, etc. are inserted