Método Mézières
The Mézières Method is a physiotherapy technique created and developed since 1947 by Françoise Mézières. Designed to be carried out individually, treating the patient from a global perspective. Through a work based on postural global active stretching exercises and body awareness, Mézières rebalances the different muscle and joint chains improving posture and alleviating pain.
Static and human movements are possible thanks to the joint action of bones, joints and muscles. This global biomechanics developed thanks to the joint and muscle chains, particularly out of balance in each person and that, over time, they can be the source of many injuries.
Treatment aims to restore global mobility of muscles and joints in a progressive way, balancing breathing, stretching muscle chains retracted, improving body awareness and always with the active participation of the patient. In addition to its therapeutic level back and other musculoskeletal dysfunctions action Mézières has an educational and preventive vocation, allowing posture reharmonizing
The body unit and the muscle chains
The Mézières Method addresses local pain considering the body as a whole.
On numerous occasions the protocols used for the treatment of joint and muscle problems is overly analytical. To a back ailment it is not uncommon to hear comments like "you have to tone your back and abs."
The vision of mezierista believes that much pain and deformity of the back not due to muscle weakness but, in many cases, the rigidity of tissues such as muscle and fascia. The rehabilitation must be comprehensive because the muscle function is global, some relate to other forming muscle chains, particularly the posterior chain that extends from the skull to the toes. Consequently, it should insist on muscle flexibility respecting the capabilities of each individual.
Lordosis is mobile and deformity
We define lordosis as the concavity of the curve of the back, so we have two lordosis, cervical and lumbar. When we talk about hiperlordosis we mean increased lumbar arch.
When the hiperlordosis is due to muscle rigidity, it is not enough to stretch those muscles analytically because the tension will be broadcast to another part of the body: neck, legs, thorax, etc. Any attempt to reduce his neck hiperlosdosis automatically lead to an increase in their lumbar lordosis and vice versa. It is as if lordosis is moved from one side to the other. Hence the importance of relaxing those muscles while other parts of the body to avoid related compensation and deformities are controlled.
The diaphragm, breathing and posture
The diaphragm is not only a breathing muscle. On the one hand their insertions on the vertebrae, influences the shape of our back and also on the dynamics of the body. Its location and multifunctionality give a key role in the global re-education. You will often see postural alterations associated to poor mechanical chest, hence the need to work simultaneously postural exercises with proper breathing.
This is not to teach but to improve breathing mechanical thoracic respiratory muscles to work better.
The reflection anti-pain
To better understand this reflection, we will illustrate with an example. It is easy to understand what happens when we suffer a sprained ankle. The muscles responsible for stabilizing the joint contract with the aim of "securing and protection" injured ligaments. To escape the pain, we change support the foot and gait. All this is done automatically and unconsciously by the neuromuscular system. Over time, you can go to a physiotherapist for LBP. Perhaps because of their current pain is due to reset their joints had to do to walk without pain when I had the ankle sprain.
These compensations that our body makes to avoid or hide the pain, require an overview of the deformity and the symptoms. Under this conception and following the above example, we should not only treat the result, ie, back pain, but also the good support of the foot.
-Chronic or acute "vertebral pains" back pain.
Lower back pain, neck pain, sciatica, disc prolapse, mandibular dysfunction, etc.
-Deviations and orthopedic deformities in adults and adolescents.
Scoliosis, hiperlordosis, hiperkyphosis, etc.
-Musculoskeletal injuries
Tendonitis, contractures, joint stiffness, etc.
-Sequelae of trauma and neurological diseases
Joint deformities, muscle tension, etc.
-Athlete injuries
Shoulder pain, chondromalacia patella, sprains, etc.
-Stress, fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome.
In addition to the therapeutic role that contributes to many diseases Mezieres, also it has an important preventive vocation. Thus a person acquires tools "self-learning" that allow you to restore the physiology of the joints, muscles, breathing and nervous system improving health globally.
Who are our regular customers
1. Professionals who work long hours at the computer (executives, administrators, teachers, computer, etc.)
Most common injuries: back pain, muscle spasms, poor posture, herniated disc, ...
2. Professionals who are for many hours sitting or standing (drivers, working in factories or offices, clerks, etc.)
Most common injuries: back pain, muscle spasms, joint deformities, poor posture, herniated disc, ...
3. People who suffer chronic pain not attributable directly to your profession
Most common injuries: fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, chronic fatigue, arthritis, ...
4. People who do sport or engage in artistic activities as musicians or actresses
Most common injuries: tendonitis, muscle injuries, deformities and joint pain, poor posture, ...
5. People who want to prevent pain or to improve their position (models, imaging professionals, musicians, actors, ...)
The benefits
Flexible body, healthy back
It balances and relaxes the back. If the vertebrae and muscles work in balance, wear and back pain will be less. We get a flexible, harmonious and coordinated body, respecting the body rhythms.
Balance and postural harmony
Recover harmony of the curves of the back, shoulders freedom, neck and head, enhancing the postural beauty. Returns to foot the feeling of freedom and stability remain the basis for a healthy and balanced stance. It improves breathing and its relationship to posture, improving health globally.la salud.
Eliminates stress and pain
Eliminates muscle contractures and tensions coming to the causes that provoke them. Greatly improves chronic pain. It reduces stress and improves the mind-body balance through relaxation of the muscle chains and improving overall body awareness.
The limits
The Mézières Method is a treatment "on demand", so the therapist will adapt to the patient but active cooperation is necessary. In this sense it is difficult to apply this technique to very young children or people with certain psychomotor disabilities.
Lack of cooperation, infectious, and inflammatory acute, acute traumatic injuries, deep psychological disorders.
Postural reeducation based on the Mézières method begins with a first visit, essential to obtain a functional diagnosis and establish the most appropriate treatment. Besides knowing the medical history, the physical therapist will perform complete physical unexamen analyzing your posture, joint mobility, muscle flexibility, breathing and other aspects, always under a global perspective.
Depending on the case, a postural study will be conducted through the ADiBAS® system, a software developed entirely by our team of professionals.
We synthesize the most common procedures for treatment. …
Postural work and stretching
Global active stretching of muscle chains associated with respiratory effort, while respecting the particularities of each patient. To improve posture need an active and participatory work during the year. This exercise allows rebalance postural muscular chains, some toning and relaxing the other.
Body awareness
Using techniques and body awareness exercises got stimulate the proprioceptive mechanisms located in muscles and joints. Thus the person will know better the various parts of your body and, most importantly, you will feel a new body image. Thanks to interconnections that occur between these proprioceptive receptors and brain, is an improvement on the harmony between body and mind.
Manual techniques
During the work we perform postural massage techniques, neuromuscular, fascial and other maneuvers to promote overall relaxation of the muscular system, contractures or painful points. In this way you can perform the exercises in a more gradual and smooth.
The movements and body rhythm
While static work represents an important part of the meeting, also we conducted exercises and dynamic movements within the posture. These exercises respect the natural movement of the body, making up for lost pace back and the rest of the body. Integrating a harmonious position with fluid movements, the person regains the sense of balance and well-being.
Useful information
It is very important that you understand the mechanics of his injury. To this end, we will show these mechanisms anatomical parts to facilitate compression of a simple form. In addition, we stress upon the positions or gestures less suitable for their condition. Have adequate information about their healthy posture is essential for the progress made in setting treatment.
What are your expectations?
The number of sessions necessary to treat your problem depends on your linked to his health expectations.
As with any treatment, good results depend on many factors: genetics, the type and degree of injury, associated diseases, biological age, environmental factors, etc. These and other factors must be taken into account in establishing a program according to your expectations. The higher your goals, probably more time will be needed to achieve them.
Each session lasts about 1 hour treatment at a frequency of 1 session a week. Depending on developments, the sessions will spacing to 1 every 15 days and one month later. Both the number and the frequency of sessions set in the first visit.
Promoción Método Mézières Madrid
Molestias de espalda y malas posturas
Metodo mezieres tratamiento Parte 2ª
Metodo mezieres examen clinico Parte 1ª