Research in health sciences related to physical therapy in the development of new technologies and innovation mainly, pose great challenges for the XXI century physiotherapist. Our company for more than 10 years ago to integrate bet three distinct but interrelated areas: clinical, teaching and research.
Area clinic established at the Centre for Physiotherapy KineMez
Area on teaching primarily from the International University of Catalonia in Barcelona but also from other universities and private entities
Area of research through collaboration with the department of computer engineering at the University of Barcelona.
Our interest in integrating the technology available in some global physiotherapy procedures, enabled us to establish partnerships with organizations like the UB for the design and development of instruments for analyzing posture and movement. Since 2010 physiotherapists and computer engineers have worked on this project. The result of this multidisciplinary team has been creating software called ADiBAS (Automatic Digital Biometry Analysis System). A first prototype was tested and the results have served to hold two Master-thesis and various outstanding work published in journals of impact.
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