Our business plan is linked to teaching and research and aims to:
1. Develop and promote research projects related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders based on the concepts of globality;
2. Collaborate with professional bodies, associations or companies related to research in national and international physiotherapy activities;
3. Promote the exchange of knowledge and information related to clinical research in physiotherapy among the public, professionals, institutions and health sciences with the media.
The change is a source of opportunities for the development of new and different things. Most innovations are the result of successful exploitation of change. In this sense, our clinical practice requires a transformation in the way in which we examine and treat our patients. For example, clinical examination of the position has a weak reliability. Through collaboration with professionals in the field of computer engineering, we were able to research and develop a valid and reliable system for the analysis of the position based on 3D technology, we have called ADiBAS© (Automatic Digital Biometry Analysis System).
Thanks to multidisciplinary work and the great potential offered by Internet and Web 2.0, our actions can materialize. Think projects, implement them, create synergies with other professionals, disseminating knowledge are some aspects that we consider important and we want to share.
These are some of the projects we're working on:
1. Create a protocol postural analysis based on the evidence for ADiBAS posture system;
2. Studies comparing tools for reliability analysis: ADiBAS © posture system Vs sistemas multicámara; ulticamera systems ADiBAS posture Vs radiology.
3. Collection and analysis of movement through the Kinect™ for developing ADiBAS© motion;
Si tienes algún proyecto relacionado con nuestros objetivos y quieres compartirlo con nosotros. Contact.
"In research, the difference between two people is not ideas, as both have them, but the wearer term"